Tag: Bosal Gap

Netherlands vs X B.V., July 2021, Supreme Court, Case No ECLI:NL:2021:1102

X B.V., a private limited company established in the Netherlands, is part of a globally operating group (hereafter: the Group). In the years under review, the head office, which was also the top holding company, was located in the USA. Until 1 February 2008, the X B.V. was, together with BV 1 and BV 2, included in a fiscal unity for corporate income tax with the Interested Party as the parent company. As of 1 February 2008, a number of companies were added to the fiscal unity, including BV 3 and BV 4. X B.V. is considered transparent for tax purposes according to US standards. Its parent company is a company domiciled in the USA, as further described in 2.1.8 below. In 2006, BV 1 borrowed € 195,000,000 under a Euro Credit Facility (ECF), a head office guaranteed credit facility with a syndicate of sixteen banks. BV 1 contributed this amount in 2007 as share premium to BV 2. BV 2 paid the larger part of this amount as capital into BV 3. BV 2 and BV 3 have jointly paid the amount of (rounded off) € 195.000.000 into a newly established Irish holding company, Ltd 1. Ltd 1 used the capital contribution to purchase a company established in Ireland, Ltd 2 from a group company established in the United Kingdom for an amount of (rounded off) GBP 130.000.000. BV 3 (for 99 per cent) and BV 4 (for 1 per cent) jointly formed a French entity, SNC, on 28 November 2007. SNC is transparent for tax purposes under Dutch standards. For French tax purposes, SNC is a non-transparent group company. BV 3 sold its subsidiary, SA 1, on 6 December 2007 to SNC for €550,000,000, with SNC acknowledging the purchase price. On 12 December 2007, that claim against SNC was converted into capital. SA 1 merged with SNC on 15 January 2008, with SNC as the surviving legal entity. SNC acquired through the merger, inter alia, a bank debt of €45,000,000 to the Group cash pool managed by BV 2 with a bank (the Pool). This debt is the remainder of a loan taken out by SA 1 in 1998 for external acquisitions and which was refinanced from the Pool in 2004. BV 3 borrowed € 65,000,000 under the ECF on 6 February 2008 and on-lent this amount to SNC. SNC borrowed on the same day a total of € 240,000,000 under the ECF of which one loan of € 195,000,000 and one loan of € 45,000,000. SNC repaid the bank debt from the Pool with the loan of € 45,000,000. On 7 February 2008 it purchased Ltd 1, [F] NV and [G] from BV 3 for rounded € 255,000,000, financed by € 195,000,000 in ECF loans and the aforementioned loan from BV 3 of € 65,000,000, and further purchased an additional participation for rounded € 5,000,000. With the received € 255,000,000, BV 3 repaid its ECF debt of € 60,000,000. On 7 February 2008 it lent the remaining € 195,000,000 to BV 1, which repaid its ECF debt in February 2008. BV 2 sold the shares in a Moroccan and a Tunisian entity to SNC on 7 February 2008 against payment of € 5,088,000. BV 2 borrowed € 191,000,000 under the ECF to finance capital contributions in subsidiaries in Norway, Singapore and Switzerland, for external and internal purchase of shares in companies and for the expansion on 10 December 2008 with 8.71 percent (€ 12,115,000) of its 86.96 percent interest in [M] SpA indirectly held through a transparent Spanish SC of the English group companies [LTD 4] and [LTD 5] . On 29 May 2009, Luxco SA borrowed an amount of € 291,000,000 under the ECF. Luxco is a Luxembourg-based finance company that belongs to the Concern. Luxco on-lent that amount to BV 3 under the same conditions. In turn, BV 3 on-lent the same amount under the same conditions to SNC. With that loan, SNC repaid its ECF debt of € 240,000,000. It lent the remainder to its subsidiary [SA 2] in connection with the acquisition by SA 2 of [SA 3]. That acquisition took place on 25 May 2009 against acknowledgment of debt. SA2 repaid part of the loan from SNC with funds obtained from SA3. The remainder of the loan was converted into capital. On 24 June 2009, Luxco placed a public bond loan of € 500,000,000. Luxco used the net proceeds to provide a US dollar loan of € 482,000,000 to its US sister company [US] Inc (hereinafter: US Inc). US Inc is the parent company of the interested party. The currency risk has been hedged by Luxco with an external hedge. US Inc converted the funds from the Luxco loan into euros and subsequently granted a loan of € 482,000,000 to interested party on 1 July 2009. Interested party paid this amount into new shares in its indirect and affiliated subsidiary BV 5, as a result of which interested party obtained a direct interest of 99.996 percent in BV 5. From the paid-up funds, BV 5 provided two loans within the fiscal unity: a loan of € 191,000,000 to BV 2 and a loan of € 291,000,000 to BV 3. BV 2 and BV 3 used the funds obtained from these loans to pay off the ECF debt and the debt to Luxco, respectively. Luxco repaid its ECF debt on 1 July 2009. On 13 and 14 December 2010, BV 2 and BV 3 took out loans under the ECF amounting to € 197,000,000 and € 300,000,000 respectively. These amounts were equal to the principal and outstanding interest of their debts to BV 5. With the proceeds of these loans, BV 2 and BV 3 repaid their debts to BV 5. BV 5 distributed the net interest income as dividend and repaid € 482,000,000 of capital to interested party. Interested party repaid its debt to US Inc on 14 December 2010 (including outstanding interest). US Inc repaid its debt to Luxco on 14 ...