Greece vs “Pharma Distributor Ltd.”, November 2022, Tax Court, Case No ΔΕΔ 3712/2022

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Following an audit, the Greek tax authorities determined that the profit of “Pharma Distributor Ltd” for sales and service activities had not been determined in accordance with the arm’s length principle.

The tax authorities issued an assessment of additional taxable income, rejecting the resale price method used by “Pharma Distributor Ltd” and instead applying the TNMM.

An appeal was filed by “Pharma Distributor Ltd”.

Judgement of the Tax Court

The Court dismissed the appeal in part and allowed it in part.

The tax authorities’ assessment was largely upheld in relation to sales activities, where it was found that the prices charged by “Pharma Distributor Ltd” were outside the interquartile range.

In relation to the service activities, the Court found that the remuneration for these activities was within the arm’s length range and therefore annulled the assessment.


“In the light of the above, as regards the applicant company’s intra-group transactions Nos 1 to 4, there is a question of non-compliance with the arm’s length principle, since the ratio of net profit margin (partial result) to sales for the applicant company’s trading sector, for the tax period 01/01/2019-31/12/2019, amounts to 1.45%, i.e. it is outside the limits of the 1st (2.38%) and the 3rd quartile (7.11%) of the net profit margin to total sales ratios of the comparable companies in the sample.
As regards the applicant’s intra-group transaction No 5, its pricing is in line with the principle of equidistance, as the ratio of net profit margin (partial result) to sales for the applicant’s industrial sector, for the tax period 01/01/2019-31/12/2019, amounts to 2.86%, i.e. it is within the limits of the 1st (2.21%) and the 3rd quartile (13.91%) of the net profit margin to total sales ratios of the comparable companies in the sample.
Therefore, the following accounting difference is calculated for compliance with the arm’s length principle, which is added to the accounting differences of the financial year in application of article 50 of Law4172/2013.”

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