France vs SA SACLA, October 2022, Conseil d’État, Case No. 457695 (ECLI:FR:CECHS:2022:457695.20221027)

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SA SACLA, which trades in protective clothing and footwear as well as small equipment, was subject of a tax audit covering the FY 2007, 2008 and 2009.

In a proposed assessment issued in December 2011, the tax authorities increased its taxable income on the basis of Article 57 of the General Tax Code, by considering that SACLA, by selling, a set of brands/trademarks held by it for EUR 90,000 to a Luxembourg company, Involvex, which benefited from a preferential tax regime, had carried out an indirect transfer of profits in the form of a reduction in the selling price.

In a ruling of February 2020, the Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal, after dismissing the plea of irregularity in the judgment, decided that an expert would carry out an valuation to determine whether the sale price of the trademarks corresponded to their value. The valuation should take into consideration an agreed exemption from payment of royalties for a period of five years granted by Involvex to SA SACLA.

The expert report was filed on 8 April 2021 and after receiving the report SA SACLA asked the court to change the judgment by considering that the value of the transferred trademarks should be set at a sum of between 1.3 and 2.1 million euros and that penalties for deliberate breach should be discharged.

By judgement of 19 August 2021 the court dismissed the request filed by SACLA and determined the value of the trademarks – in accordance with the expert report – to be 5,897,610 euros.

“The value of the trademarks transferred by SACLA, initially declared by that company in the amount of EUR 90,000 excluding tax, was corrected by the tax authorities to EUR 11,288,000 excluding tax, and was then reduced by the judgment under appeal to EUR 8,733,348 excluding tax. It follows from the investigation, in particular from the expert’s report filed on 8 April 2021, that this value, taking into account the exemption from payment of royalties granted by the purchaser of the trademarks in the amount of 2,400,000 euros excluding tax and after taking into account corporate income tax, must be established at the sum of 5,897,610 euros excluding tax. The result is a difference between the agreed price and the value of the trade marks transferred in the amount of EUR 5 807 610 excluding tax, which constitutes an advantage for the purchaser. The applicant, who merely contests the amount of that advantage, does not invoke any interest or consideration of such a nature as to justify such an advantage. In these circumstances, the administration provides the proof that it is responsible for the existence of a reduction in the price of the sale of assets and the existence of an indirect transfer of profits abroad.”

An appeal was then filed by SACLA with the Supreme Administrative Court

Judgement of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court set aside articles 3 and 6 of the Judgement from the Administrative Court of Appeal.

“Article 3: The judgment of the Lyon Administrative Court of 10 October 2017 is reversed insofar as it is contrary to the present judgment.

Article 6: The remainder of the parties’ submissions is rejected.”


“2. In a judgment before the law of 13 February 2020, the Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal decided that, before ruling on the Sacla company’s request, an expert appraisal would be carried out in order to determine whether the sale price of the trademarks sold by that company corresponded to their value, taking into consideration, in particular, the waiver of payment of royalties for a period of five years granted by the purchasing company, Involvex, to the Sacla company. In order to fulfil the mission entrusted to them by the court, the expert and his assistant first considered four methods, then abandoned the method of comparables and the method of capitalisation of royalties, and finally retained only two methods, the method of historical costs and the method of discounting future flows, from which they derived a weighted average. It follows from the statements in the judgment under appeal that the court, after considering that the historical cost method did not allow the effect of corporation tax to be taken into account with any certainty and led to a valuation almost eight times lower than the discounted cash flow method, rejected the former method and adopted only the latter and considered that there was no need to carry out a weighting, since, in its view, the discounted cash flow method proved to be the most accurate.

(3) It follows from the statements in the judgment under appeal that the court, after fixing the value of the trade marks transferred by Sacla at EUR 8 733 348 exclusive of tax, an amount also retained by the administrative court, intended to apply the discount recommended by the expert report of 7 April 2021 in order to take account of the exemption from payment of royalties granted for five years by the purchaser of the trade marks. In fixing the amount of that discount at EUR 2 400 000 exclusive of tax, whereas the expert report which it intended to apply estimated it, admittedly, at that amount in absolute terms, but by applying a rate of 37% to a value of the trade marks transferred estimated at EUR 6 500 000, the Court distorted that expert report and gave insufficient reasons for its judgment.

(4) It follows from the foregoing that, without needing to rule on the other grounds of appeal, Articles 3 to 6 of the contested judgment should be set aside and, in the circumstances of the case, the State should be ordered to pay the sum of EUR 3 000 to Coverguards Sales under Article L. 761-1 of the Code of Administrative Justice.”


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