Canada vs MIL (INVESTMENTS) S.A., June 2007, Federal Court of Canada, Case No 2007 FCA 236

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The issue is whether MIL (INVESTMENTS) S.A. was exempt from Canadian income tax in respect of the capital gain of $425,853,942 arising in FY 1997 on the sale of shares of Diamond Field Resources Inc. by virtue of the Canadian Income Tax Act and the Convention Between Canada and The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital (“Treaty”).

The Canadian Tax Authorities found that MIL was not exempt under local anti avoidance provisions and issued an assessment where the capital gain had been added to the taxable income.

Disagreeing with the assessment, MIL (INVESTMENTS) S.A. filed an appeal with the Tax Court.

The tax court allowed the appeal of MIL (INVESTMENTS) S.A. and set aside the assessment issued by the tax authorities.

An appeal was then filed with the Federal Court by the tax authorities.

Judgement of Federal Court

The Federal Court dismissed the appeal of the tax authorities and ruled in favor of MIL (INVESTMENTS) S.A.

“In order to succeed in this appeal, the appellant Her Majesty the Queen must persuade us that one transaction in the series of transactions in issue is an avoidance transaction, and that the tax benefit achieved by the respondent MIL (Investments) S.A. is an abuse or misuse of the object and purpose of article 13(4) of the Convention between Canada and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital (the Tax Treaty).

“It is clear that the Act intends to exempt non-residents from taxation on the gains from the disposition of treat exempt property. It is also clear that under the terms of the Tax Treaty, the respondent’s stake in DFR was treaty exempt property. The appellant urged us to look behind this textual compliance with the relevant provisions to find an object or purpose whose abuse would justify our departure from the plain words of the disposition. We are unable to find such an object or purpose.

If the object of the exempting provision was to be limited to portfolio investments, or to non-controlling interests in immoveable property (as defined in the Tax Treaty), as the appellant argues, it would have been easy enough to say so. Beyond that, and more importantly, the appellant was unable to explain how the fact that the respondent or Mr. Boulle had or retained influence of control over DFR, if indeed they did, was in itself a reason to subject the gain from the sale of the shares to Canadian taxation rather than taxation in Luxembourg.

To the extent that the appellant argues that the Tax Treaty should not be interpreted so as to permit double non-taxation, the issue raised by GAAR is the incidence of Canadian taxation, not the foregoing of revenues by the Luxembourg fiscal authorities.

As a result, the appeal will be dismissed with costs.”

An interesting article on the case has been published in 2008 by the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law.


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