Spain vs X SL, June 2009, TEAC, Case No Rec. 656/2007

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A holding company of an international Group was established in Spain and in it and in the Group’s operating entity, which was made dependent on it and with which it was fiscally consolidated, intra group loans were requested, for the acquisition of shares in other Group companies, which were mere asset relocations without any economic or business substance, with the sole objective of reducing taxation in Spain:

Both in the Spanish holding company and in the operating entity, financial expenses were deducted as a result of that indebtedness, which lead to a drastic reduction in profits in the operating company and losses in the holding company, with the final result that this income remains untaxed.

On this background an assessment was issued by the tax authorities where the financial expenses were disallowed under Spanish “fraud by law” provisions.

As stated in Article 6.4 of the Civil Code: “Acts carried out under the protection of the text of a rule which pursue a result prohibited by the legal system, or contrary to it, shall be considered to have been carried out in fraud of law and shall not prevent the due application of the rule which it was sought to circumvent“.

This, transferred to the tax sphere, is equivalent to the text of Article 24 of the LGT, in the wording given by Law 25/1995, of 20 July 1995 (applicable to the case in question), which states:

In order to avoid tax evasion, it shall be understood that there is no extension of the taxable event when tax is levied on events, acts or legal transactions carried out for the purpose of avoiding payment of the tax, under the cover of the text of rules issued for a different purpose, provided that they produce a result equivalent to that derived from the taxable event. Fraud of tax law must be declared in special proceedings in which the interested party is heard.
2. Events, acts or legal transactions carried out in fraudulent evasion of tax law shall not prevent the application of the evaded tax rule nor shall they give rise to the tax advantages that were intended to be obtained through them.
3. In the settlements made as a result of the tax evasion case, the tax rule that has been evaded shall be applied and the corresponding late payment interest shall be paid, without the imposition of penalties for these purposes alone

Decision of the TEAC

The TEAC confirmed the existence of fraud by law and upheld the assessment.

All the actions are legal and real; there is no simulation, but from the set of all the circumstances, without proof that there is a substance and economic business reality, it is concluded that it is a simple exchange of shares within the Group, with the sole purpose of generating the financial expenses in the Spanish entities of the Group, all of which is declared in fraud of law, and the situation is regularised by not admitting the financial expenses involved.

There are no international tax reasons for the alleged fraud of law (application of DTAs, infringement of Community Law, etc.) as the application of the concept of fraud of law should have been applied in the same way in the case of a Group with a national parent company and article 24 of the LGT, the provision from which the application of fraud of law derives, does not contain any distinction or restriction depending on whether residents or non-residents are involved.

The rules on related-party transactions or transfer pricing do not apply, as it is not disputed that the transactions were carried out at market value; indeed, it is acknowledged that this was the case. It is from the set of circumstances analysed that the existence of fraud by law can be concluded. If it were possible to correct it through the mere application of a specific rule (either related-party transactions or thin capitalisation, etc.) we would no longer be dealing with a case of fraud by law.

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Spain vs X SL Rec 656-2007

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